April 2018 archive

ATOL AVION Oy aloitti yleisen osakeannin

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(English) Caught On Camera: Lost Comm in IMC by Pilot Workshop.com

Flying in hard IMC with 40-knot headwinds, heavy precip, and a healthy dose of turbulence pushed this pilot to the edge. Then electrical gremlins knocked out his radio, turning this challenging flight into a dangerous lost comm situation. Fortunately, cameras were running and caught it all as it unfolded…

Suomen ilmailukartat julkaistu Openflightmaps’n ja Suomen Moottorilentäjien Liiton yhteistyönä

In early April 2018 openflightmaps will once again add another territory, Finland, to the countries covered by the project. This will take the new total up to 18 countries supported by the project. With Finland the openflightmaps project reaches into the Arctic Circle, the furthest north of all of the territories supported by openflightmaps. It …

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