As part of the GA roadmap initiative EASA has focused on making instrument flying more accessible for GA pilots. Much effort has already gone into making the licensing more achievable and resulted in both the competency based instrument rating, the enroute instrument rating and more proportionate theoretical knowledge requirements. This process is ongoing with the …
June 2017 archive
Jun 18
VMC:stä IMC:n ilman varasuunnitelmaa?
For more than 60 years, the AOPA Air Safety Institute has been producing free programs with the goal of helping all pilots fly safer. From groundbreaking online courses to popular live seminars and videos, ASI covers the spectrum of aviation safety education. Marginal, gradually deteriorating weather can lure VFR pilots into instrument conditions. The AOPA …
Jun 12
EASA CAT SET-IMC työpaja Kölnissä 4.7.2017
The event is dedicated to the implementation of the recently published CAT SET-IMC regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/363 of 01/03/2017) and the associated ED Decision 2017/004/R published on 09/03/2017. It will take place at the EASA premises in Cologne on 4 July 2017. The aim is to hold an interactive workshop attended by representatives from aeroplane …