European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Airworthiness Directives (AD) Workshop will be held on 08 and 09 December 2016 in Cologne. This workshop is addressed to all interested stakeholders such as operators, CAMO, maintenance organisations, design approval holders, who want to have a better understanding of EASA processes related to the publication and/or adoption of Mandatory …
September 2016 archive
Sep 23
SMS-foorumi ja Ilmailun kehittämispäivät 11.-12.10.2016
Sorry, this entry is only available in suomi.
Sep 13
Hyvän hallinnon vastaista omistaja-ohjausta?
SECTION III Oversight of operations AMC1 ARO.OPS.300 Introductory flights MARGINAL ACTIVITY The competent authority should publish criteria specifying to which extent it considers an activity marginal and how this is being overseen.