September 2014 archive

UK CAA:n lentolupakirjavaatimukset sekä ohjeita uuden eurooppalaiseen lentomiehistöasetuksen soveltamiseen

Changes to CAP 804 ‘Flight Crew Licensing Mandatory Requirements, Policy and Guidance’ CAP 804 has been amended to take account of changes to the Aircrew Regulation introduced by amending Regulation (EU) No. 245/2014 and consequent changes to advisory and guidance material. CAP 804 has also been amended to reflect the passing of end dates during …

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SMLL:n lausunnot Trafin lausuntopyyntöihin

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Euroopan lentoturvallisuusvirasto saa suomalaisen puheenjohtajan

Mr Pekka Henttu, Director General Civil Aviation of Finnish Transport Agency (TraFi), has been appointed to Chair of the Management Board of EASA, European Aviation Safety Agency. He is the first Finnish person in this position. Duration of this appointment is three years. Source: Trafi

Tervetuloa Trafin ja EASAn AIR OPS Workshopiin

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AOPA-yhteenliittymä sai sopimuksen SESAR’lta

A syndicate including AOPA UK has won a contract from SESAR to create and demonstrate a portable electronic conspicuity aid for general aviation which could retail for less than €1,000. The syndicate involves the British ATC provider NATS – National Air Traffic Services – the German avionics company Funke, and the Edinburgh–based GA avionics manufacturer …

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